Monday 17 August 2009


Hello, and Welcome to EdinBlog, my review of the action up here in occassionally sunny Edinburgh, at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. A bit late in the day to start, really, but to be honest I'm really doing this to get a press badge next year, if I'm still not performing :(

Being, as it is, the 18th of August now, I have ten more days of things to see and do. I've been here since the 3rd, although the thing only started on the 7th so, whoops.

That said, there were plenty of half-price previews on the 5th and 6th, so that helped me to get to the combined total of 40 Shows seen in the last 13 days. Yes, that's in fact more than at least 90% of reviewers for established media, because they're dull. Live it up, fuckface!

Without further ado, the first review I present to you is from the first show I saw today, "Pippa Evans - Your Evening's Entertainment", on in the Pleasance Beside, at 18.20.

Frequently hilarious musical numbers, accompanied by a wickedly convulted tale of bittersweet emotion, and eminently believable character portrayal. 5 Stars.

Yeah, a short review. I've conveyed everything I want to in a nice media soundbite. It's a great show, and you can expect great things from this young woman in future.